Spell Inventory On-Line 2E
(An AD&D 2nd Edition Site dedicated to Mages)
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One of the largest collection of spells on the web.
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D E S K T O P  V E R S I O N
Spell Inventory, Install Version 1.1
Spell Inventory is a Visual Basic/ Access (Note: Access not required for use) application designed to track Wizard spells and spellbooks. It conatins the full spell list of TSR's 4-Volume Wizard's Compendium Set. The application provides a diverse scope of functionality, such as:

* Create & Print custom Spellbooks for each of your PC/ NPC Mages
* Robust Search Tool to locate spells by Name, Description and many other fields
* Filter spell lists by only those Schools and Levels desired
* Add/ Update/ Print your own spells to the database, as well as Update/ Print existing spells
* Ability to Import/ Export Spells and Spellbooks from others (Excel required for this functionality)
* And more!

The download is aprox. 12 Megs and can be DOWNLOADED HERE. It is a zip file so you will need to unzip and run setup after downloading.

NOTE: The Read Me File lists my email as seeber@erols.com. Please note that is no longer active and my new email is seeber@wizardmark.com. !!
Spell Inventory, Upgrade Version 1.2
After downloading and installing Version 1.1 Install, download the latest .EXE. The update fixes a few known bug, but most importantly, provides an update to the Import/ Export functionality. Version 1.2 does away with the need for Excel as part of the Import/ Export function. Instead, Spell Inventory now uses flat files - they are lighter, much quicker, and require no dependencies for use. The only down side is, once you switch to this .EXE, any old .spel and .sbok files will be un-usable. This shouldnt matter, however, unless you have spells in these files that you do not already have in your database.

Note this .EXE will only work if the original install was run. Once that is done, download this .EXE and replace the existing .EXE in your Spell Inventory install directory. Also supplied is an updated SI Viewer.exe, which can be used to view (and Import) .SPEL and .SBOK files outside of the application. As with the new Spell Inventory .exe, download the new SI Viewer.exe and save it over the existing SI Viewer.exe in the Spell Inventory directory.

Also provided are Version 1.2 .spel files for all spells beginning with A, B, C, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, X, Y and Z and seperate .spel files containing all spells from the Player's handbook and the Tome of Magic. In addition, a new Read Me file is provided. All files are uzipped.

Version 1.2     SI Viewer     A.spel     B.spel     C.spel     K.spel     L.spel     M.spel     N.spel     O.spel     P.spel    

Q_X_Y_Z.spel     ToM.spel     PHB.spel     Read Me
Bonus Application - Spellbook Creator, Version 1.0
This application makes it possible for you to Randomly Generate Spell Books for NPC mages and the like.  Customizable for Specialist mages and more. You must have the Spell Inventory program to run this application, and the exe must be placed in the same directory.

The download is aprox. 150K and can be DOWNLOADED HERE. It is a single (unzipped) exe file.
You dont have to join to enjoy the benefits of this site. However, you must join in order to submit your own works and to vote in the Spell of the Month contests.
Spell Inventory On-Line is dedicated to providing spells for 2nd Edition Mages. We hope to build the largest archive of spells on the web with the help of gamers such as yourself.
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Epic Adventures
The Gaming Report
World of Gathis
Spell Library of Aerontin
The Magic Book
Web Spell
Zoethout's Pages
The Red Dragon Inn

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